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by Iceberg Slim, 56 min 7 sec ago
by turd ferguson, 58 min 32 sec ago
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TFMR Podcast - Friday, September 13

Friday, September 13, 2024 - 5:25pm

Well, I sure didn't see that coming. However, I'm pretty sure that no one saw an August US deficit of $380,000,000,000 coming, either. That cold slap to face brought about a Keynesian reality check and the Comex PMs were bid all the way through the weekly close.

And what a week it was...

Key Economic Events Week of 9/16

9/16 8:30 ET Empire Fed
9/17 8:30 ET Retail Sales
9/17 9:15 ET Cap Ute & Ind Prod
9/17 10:00 ET Business Inv.
9/18 8:30 ET Housing Starts
9/18 2:00 ET FOMC Fedlines
9/18 2:30 ET Jerry's presser
9/19 8:30 ET Philly Fed
9/19 10:00 ET Existing home sales
9/19 10:00 ET LEIII
9/20 4:00 ET NYSE option expiration

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by punter75, Jul 31, 2024 - 11:45am
by argentus maximus, Jul 15, 2024 - 8:39pm
by 1980build, Jul 12, 2024 - 9:07am